Enter The Story Parlor


To all my curious kittens and imagineers, I recently embarked on a brand new charetteering project I created as a gift to you, the grand opening of The Story Parlor, a (virtual at the moment) tea +converstation room about your biggest {brand} storytelling blind spots and pains.

Pop over for a visit here to find out what this surprise project is and how to get invited to a parlor charette session! You can also check out the conversation that happened for the first one, which was a success, much to my delight!

So many folks stopped by to like the page and we had a few conversations going on at the same time which was a little madness for me to coordinate as posts were happening all over the place and not in the original thread! (Some organizing very much necessary for future sessions). The charette topic of the day was:

Your Dream Unboxing Experience

It was definitely a mind-stretching challenge for me, both in keeping the conversation on topic, making sure no one is drowning in the ocean of chat and coming up with little gems of creativity to help my parlor charetteers with their {brand} story.

An Outdoor Story Parlor Tim Walker-style?

Melissa an artist and knitter who dropped by had a lightbulb moment and shared her experience here over at her blog, go check it out! I’m so excited about the new direction for her creative business and can’t wait to see what she comes up with.

More great stories were happening with such talented folks, so make sure to stop by the parlor and sign up for an invitation to the next one!



More adventures into Imaginaryland:
The Create-YOUR-Story Brand-to-Design workshop closes for its Spring intake this Sunday 31st March 2013. Next one’s not till fall! Have you signed up?