On Fall Cocooning & Rejuvenation…

On Fall Cocooning & Rejuvenation

"Close both eyes to see with the other eye."



How do we know when its time to retreat?

For me it begins with a restless yearning for stillness. The kind of replenishing stillness that quietly slips away from my every day the more I fill it up with digital noise and to-do lists.

I have to admit that this past Summer/Fall season has been the most intense I've had in a long time. I might have been a tad overextended, a lesson for another day. I launched my first Art Collection in 2 years, shipped over 100 goodies, trained for and completed 2 triathlons before my 40th birthday, created/taught a brand new online class and made huge progress in writing my Wonder-Walking guidebook. Unsurprisingly, I soon found myself exhausted and drained like so many morning teacups.

And I realized that the persistent call for stillness I've been hearing for weeks is a song I can no longer ignore.

I learned long ago that the artist's life with its cycle of creation, incubation, and renewal is a lifelong rhythm to be honored because the alternative - fizzling out - is an experience too painful to repeat. Over the years, I've become intimately familiar with the symptoms of encroaching creative depletion - the soul-need to cocoon, withdraw from the world, and retreat to a personal sanctuary. I sense my everyday enthusiasm waning and I know it is time. I am like the proverbial ground squirrel on the cusp of winter hibernation, gathering nuts to refill the inner well and seeking a safe place to curl up and nourish my spirit.

And of course, Fall also happens to be my season for cocooning, especially after Summer's intense creative living. It's my absolute favorite time not only because nature is cooperating with the shorter days, cooler weather and shedding trees, but because for me, a year drawing to a close is a sign that a journey is ending and a new one about to begin, full of wondrous and magical possibilities.

What will I discover when I dive into my new pile of books? How will this myth-making course enrich my everyday? Where should I go on my next road trip?

While self-nourishment is a year-long endeavor for me, my Fall cocoon is a deeper, richer experience - it's when land, spirit, and body come together to prepare for a season of life-changing renewal.

One of the first things I do to begin this journey is by mapping out my Fall Explorer's Chart. I fill it with soul-nourishing walks and adventures that support this season's theme of guilt-free play, re-invigorating exploration, and year-end reflection. It's not a to-do list, but rather a gentle guide to fill my heart and provide a beautiful slowing down in all the (four) realms that matter.

I make an Explorer's Chart for every season but I have a feeling that this Fall Chart is going to be special and I felt called to share mine, one you can print and fill out (guided by the audio instructions) for your own Fall Rejuvenation.

I hope it brings you much rest and restoration!

Much love and stay enchanted,


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