A Birthday Trip at a Big Rock

For my birthday this year, my wonderful husband surprised me with a lovely trip to Morro Bay in Central California, a little seaside town with a tiny harbor and a giant rock in the middle of the bay. The bay was, as most of California is, a treasure trove of nature’s gems and I couldn’t help picking out some of the most inspiring ones to share! And as usual, I delighted in the abundance of raw material for future paintings.

(Click on image to see it bigger) Memorable moments: Dried seed pods fluttering in the Elfin Forest; little ecosystems carved into the boulders by the beach; otherworldly hanging moss from miniature oaks in the Elfin Forest; bright pink seaweed; multi-colored beach pebbles worn smooth; wine and cheese pairing at sunset; a twilight magical mini maze; slippery rock threading; and gorgeous gorgeous sunsets.

There is so much magic lying hidden around us, we just have to look a little closer, pay a little more attention. It is incredible fuel for the imagination and every time we go on a nature walk, a hike, a road trip, a visit to a nearby town, it is like discovering a treasure chest of wonders and my imagination stretches a bit more and I can’t wait to get back to the studio to see where that can lead to with my papers, pencils and watercolors.

A little challenge for my imagineers:
Next time you are taking a walk around the block, bring a sketchbook or a little camera with you. Get down on your knees or squint a little and do a little mind-trickery:

  • What can this look like if it were not it?
  • What does this remind me of?
  • How can this inspire me in a little creative expression?

Try it!