My Brand Design Interview by Brand Master Lisa Haggis

Every now and then the universe sends a kindred spirit my way and the connection and mindmelding is so dazzling it’s like we’ve known each other forever! Lisa Haggis is a Brand Master/Strategist and she recently contacted me for an interview series for her blog to chat about my brand design philosophy.

A 30-minute interview became a three hour jam session on the fascinating storytelling world of branding and brand design. Here’s a little snippet from Lisa’s blog, be sure to hop over for a peek, it was very well-received! Lisa did a wonderful job of editing our chat into a final 30-minute form. While we certainly enjoyed nerding over branding, she was right to think you’d prefer a more digestible version of it!


Watch the interview:

Here’s what we cover:

The value of finding the right creative keywords for your brand, and how to do it.
The 2 keys to brand memorability. (3:00)
Finding your brand personality. (Amy has a great tip for brands that are not based upon the personality of the founder.) (4:24)
What you should know before investing in design. (6:14)
The secret to a great logo, and the #1 rule that should never be broken. (10:34)
What you can DIY, and some good rules of thumb. (16:55)
Choosing the best font for your brand. (20:18)
Beyond the business card: tangible gifts that build your brand. (23:12)

Lisa prepared some great Tweet-ready takeaways. Here they are:

“Tangibility is going to set brands apart in the next five years. You can make an impression in a big way.”

“Choosing a font? Think high-end magazine, not take-out menu.”

“Brand personality isn’t about adding more, it’s about being more you.”

Tell me, what was your most favorite tip from the interview? Which advice will you be implementing immediately? Leave me a comment below or ask me any additional questions you might still have!


If this interview sent a million lightbulbs flashing in the upper story and you’d like to talk about working with me, check out the Visual Story Experience, my unique brand-visioning + hand-crafted logo design experience. I look forward to imagineering with you!
