The Timelessness of Enchantment

Peekaboo1-FB-greeting-plainTwo weekends ago we celebrated my niece’ 5th birthday in a beautiful cabin overlooking the breathtaking pacific ocean in Big Sur, whales splashing away in the distance. The setting was the epitome of enchantment itself for us adults, though not yet perceivable by the younger ones.

My niece and nephew both live an old-fashioned childhood, thanks to determined parents, practically a relic idea in today’s Ipad-infused world. Barefoot walks on beaches, cleaning fish during camping, hikes through magical trees, stargazing at night and playing dress up in the day-activities that promise hours of tangible captivation.

Hence nothing was more delightful for me to witness than the glow of enchantment on my little niece’s face as she unwrapped her birthday gift from us -a glorious purple, linen-bound, gold foiled illustrated tome on the Fairytales of the Brothers’ Grimm-the original uncleaned-up version.

The book never left her side that weekend and there were many a fireside storytelling session, when her 7-year old brother wasn’t sneaking in a read or three. As related to me by her grandmother who was visiting, (in-house storyteller, naturally), the little one practically knew the stories by hard by the time she left.

Why was this a significant moment for me?

It’s as if three decades and a changed world between my niece and myself did not exist. I remember clearly my own fairytale books as if it were yesterday. The impression the stories made on me are etched as deep as time.

Why, in an age where far more sophisticated children’s tales are adorning the bookstore shelves, where stories read themselves to you on digital gadgets and the tv streams endlessly, that age-old tales of magic and myth still resonate so strongly?

The simple answer may be the uncomplicated triumph of good over evil. The eucatastrophe of the her0’s journey. Or maybe just a time-proven tale of a story well told.

These questions haunt me and I attempt to answer it here. Peekaboo! is my brand new experimental gathering on art + storytelling and this debut event serves up one of the more enduring classic fairytales along with a small selection of my artwork inspired by it. (Yes! You can now buy my artwork, hurray! I even narrate on audio!).

Join me, I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
(Note: Peekaboo! Series 1 runs from today March 31st to April 6th 2014. All featured artwork will be available for purchase during this 7 days only.)

peekaboo-banner-small Peekaboo-banner2If you’re interested in how reading more about how Peekaboo! came about…hop on over here for the story.