Atelier Tuesday: Envelope-less Letter-writing Set

So I was wondering recently, does anybody even write letters anymore? We do in our household because we have a few loving family members from another generation that still enjoy putting a cursive scrawl to paper and thus we would occasionally receive them in the mail.

Illustrated Envelope Letters

This would always prompt me to reach for some copy paper lying around (ugh) and scramble for some plain envelopes. The finished hasty packet is usually pretty uninspiring but we drop it off in the mail anyway.  This is one of the reasons I’ve been wanting to experiment with envelope-less letters for awhile now. It is not a new idea but one that I find most fitting for my current letter-writing needs. Not only does it save on paper/materials, it provides me with the old-fashioned,  romantic ritual of folding my letter, sealing it and dropping it off  for the mailman just like folks used to do for hundreds of years.

Envelope letters with Tree Spaces theme, click image to zoom in.

This (arcane) letter-writing set is deliberately simple a-faded Tree Spaces themed illustration printed on beautiful Japanese mulberry/kozo paper-a plant-fiber paper that is both tough and durable and just the perfect thickness for an envelope letterfold.

Slip in some photos, glue the tab and it's done! Click image to zoom in.

It would come with a folding template, in a set of perhaps 2o, conveniently sized-8.5″ x 8.5″ sheets and when folded, easily accommodates a stack of photographs (another arcane practice we still follow) that Gramma is always delighted to see. Stick a stamp,  address it and it’s good to go! No fumbling around for papers or envelopes. I am excited to develop a complete matching set of Tree Spaces illustrations for it (California is ridden with myriad gorgeous sculptural trees!) and perhaps expand the idea for a wedding invitation, thank-you note or be part of a marketing set.

I know this is something that would really improve the chances of my elders receiving a letter from me, but what do you think, would this be something you would use?